Deadline: January 14, 2020
Entry fee: Free
Prizes: valuable prizes, diplomas
2019 is the Year of Theatre in Russia. The X Annual Multimedia Contest of the Presidential Library “Foreign View” is devoted to this unique and original art for every nation. Its motto is “The World as a Theatre.”
The history of the theatre is measured by centuries. The first performances began to appear almost at the dawn of humanity. The object of each participant of the competition is not only to fulfill all its conditions, but also to show creative skills. Each work should become a kind of stage where the author like a theatre producer and dramatist could demonstrate his vision of the world, tell his own story. The best photos and videos will be added to the digital holdings of the Presidential Library and will become exhibits at various cultural venues throughout Russia.
National Theatres
Russian ballet, italian opera, japanese kabuki…perhaps, each country in the world is proud of its theatre, special characteristics that make it different from others. In this nomination photos and videos should tell about national theatres and actors that guarding for cultural property of their nation from generation to generation.
All Life is a Theatre
Has it ever seemed to you that the reality surrounding you is directed by a certain great master? Or that the people around are playing a play, the outcome and the end of which they do not even guess? Or maybe the gait of a person walking towards, his words, laughter or tears seem like a totally rehearsed scene? But all this is just a real life, rich in its bright colors and penumbras. In this nomination are accepted spontaneous works, where stories from everyday life are fixed forever.
The first theatre actors were ordinary people and the very concept of the theatrical scene originated in the villages in the open air. Today, over the centuries, street performances have got new popularity. Every day on the streets you can watch various flash mobs, plays, pieces of musicians, actors, poets and even stuntmen. They are the main characters of the works in this nomination.
Heroes in the Backstage
Surprising the audience, grabbing all its attention, scaring and laughing – every day this task for theatre actors is becoming more and more difficult. Bright costumes and scenery, professional sound and light are used for it. In this nomination are taken photo and video works dedicated to the heroes behind the scenes– people whom we will never see on the stage, but thanks to whom each performance acquires its own soul, a unique unforgettable atmosphere.
I Am an Actor!
In one form or another, the theatre presents in every sphere of our life. We begin to serve melpomene from a young age: in small scenes in kindergarten and performances in school clubs. And those, who seriously decided to connect their lives with the stage, make the first steps in theatre studios and educational theatres. In this nomination we are waiting for photos and videos dedicated to the work of young actors.
Masters About Masters
Each play of the same production actors play differently. Therefore any moment in it can become unique inimitable. Such episodes freeze in the pictures of professional theatre photographers. This nomination is especially for them.
Belarus Through the Eyes of Russians, Russia Through the Eyes of Belarusians
The common historical path of the russian and belarusian peoples runs through the centuries. Common culture, common values have forever tied us together in close fraternal ties, good-neighborly relations. In this special nomination we accept works that in concern all spheres of life in Russia and Belarus.
Mobile Photo (Popular Vote)
Very often, the best shots were taken on a mobile phone. By uploading of photo or video to Instagram with the tag #foreignview2019 it is possible to take part in the contest. In this nomination the winner is determined by popular vote.
Participants in the project “Foreign View” will become part of the world community, which annually creates for the future generations digital annals of the brightest events of our time. The best photos will be included in the photo album, which along with the best commercials will enrich the Presidential Library electronic collections. In addition, the materials sent to the multimedia contest will be part of the exhibitions on various cultural venues in Russia.
Foreign View Photo Contest 2017 Winners

The World Press Photo Contest