Portraiture: Through the Lens by Black Box Gallery

Portraiture: Through the Lens by Black Box Gallery

Deadline: April 11, 2019
Entry fee: $35 per entry (to 5 photos)
Prizes: participation in the exhibition, inclusion in the catalog available for purchase on Blurb Books

Black Box Gallery is excited to announce a juried group photography exhibition on contemporary portraiture.

Pose and Gesture, Image and Identity, Documentary and Street, Travel, Constructed Narrative, Self Portrait, Environmental, Vernacular and Snapshot, Family Narrative, Fashion and Nude, all have visual statements to make in the world of portraiture photography. What is the character, attitude and expression of contemporary portrait photography?

Each exhibition will have 24 photographs selected by the juror for exhibiton at the gallery.

An additional 30 photographs will be selected by the juror for exhibition in our on-line gallery annex.

All 54 photographs from the show will be included in a catalog available for purchase on Blurb Books.

Website: https://blackboxgallery.com/Portraiture-Through%20the%20Lens-CFE.html

BRMAA National Juried Photography Show
BRMAA National Juried Photography Show


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