Deadline: March 11, 2019
Entry fee: $20 for one entry and $10 for each additional image
Prizes: $25, $50, $125, $300, $1,000 is proud to announce the Art Call Winter Imagination 2019. There will be 5 Winners and 10 Honorable Mentions. This competition is open to all artists and photographers worldwide. The participant can submit any still art medium, including: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital art, and fiber art.
Theme and Selection
“Winter Imagination 2019” can be interpreted broadly and based on real or imagined circumstances. Perhaps the first fallen snow of the season inspires you to imagine a vivid red cardinal against the stark white snow-covered branches of an evergreen tree overlooking the beauty of a frozen-over pond with rolling hills as a backdrop. Or maybe a more ominous scene is visualized inspiring the artist to present a work of art that tells a dark and melancholy story without uttering a word. “Winter Imagination” is anything that inspires the artist to portray a winter theme and tell a story in his or her artwork through visual concepts.
The judges for this imaginative competition are looking for the artist’s expressive interpretation of “winter” in their artwork that effectively conveys their definition of the term and evokes a reaction in the viewer. All still art medium works are encouraged for submission.
Submissions for consideration can be expressed in any of the following aspects: representational, expressionism, surrealism, or abstraction.
Call for Entires: Stories