Scapes International Fine Art Competition

Scapes International Fine Art Competition

Deadline: January 14, 2019
Entry fee: $20 for one entry and $10 for each additional image
Prizes: $25, $75, $125, $250, $1,000, Art Marketing Prizes Is Proud to Announce “Scapes 2019” an online international fine art competition.

Total Awards in Cash and Art Marketing Prize Value: $7,500.

Theme and Selection

“Scapes 2019” Artists/Photographers work that provides us with original interpretations of different types of landscapes, seascapes, or mindscapes from representational to abstract. The visual narrative of the work should transport the viewer to experience the beauty, uniqueness, or fantasy of these special places.

The competition is open to all artists expressing themselves in any still medium: painting, photography, sculpture, collage, drawing, assemblage, Installation, fiber art, and digital art.

This competition is open to all artists/photographers 18 years of age or older. Submissions for consideration can be expressed in any of the following aspects: representational, expressionism, surrealism, or abstraction.


Scapes II Winners

A Starry Night Above, © Jason Levi, USA, Fourth Place, Scapes International Fine Art Competition
A Starry Night Above
© Jason Levi, USA
Fourth Place


Turn to Clear Vision, © Kristen Victoria Harner, USA, Honorable Mention, Scapes International Fine Art Competition
Turn to Clear Vision
© Kristen Victoria Harner, USA
Honorable Mention


Pictures of the Year International – POY
Pictures of the Year International — POY



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