Deadline: July 1, 2018
Entry fee: £8 for a single entry, £30 for 6 or £72 for 36 entries
Prizes: $500, $1,000, $3,000 cash prizes, participation in the exhibition
The Awards are inclusive of both the full time professional photographer and the keen amateur. Categories range from a portfolio of an individual building to a single abstract: with a professional camera or on a mobile phone.
Images of the built world are used directly and indirectly for promoting and advertising commercial, financial, automotive and travel industries; they are not confined to architecture and property development.
Nevertheless, the skill of the people who can translate the sophistication of architecture into readable and understandable two dimensions, explain and extol the character, detail and environment of a building, remains overlooked.
This Award crosses continents and sectors to raise awareness of the skill and patience needed in this specialist area of photography.
- Exterior Images
- Interior Images
- Sense of Place
- Buildings in Use
- Portfolio – A Cultural Building
- Mobile Architectural Photography
Website of Photo Contest:
Photos Architectural Photography Awards 2017

Winner 2017

Next Photo Contest:
Renaissance Photography Prize