Deadline: March 31, 2020
Entry fee: €5
Prizes: valuable prizes, participation in the exhibition
New discipline of astrophotography, the nightscape maries through specific techniques, celestial and terrestrial nocturnal landscapes on the same plate. The Moon, the Milky Way, stars, aurora borealis, clouds, seas, mountains … appear in a new way as well as sublimated.
With its expertise in astrophotography, and keen to contribute to the development of the art of shooting and image processing, Franck Séguin former picture editor in Chief at Ciel et Espace Photos decided to create and organize the first edition of the Photo Nightscape Awards – PNA in 2014.
Photo Nightscape awards addresses all audiences – young, adults, schools, astronomy clubs … and will be available in several categories: the prize for youth, the adult prize, prize astro club, the prize for timelapse…
- Nightscape
- In Town
- Timelapse
- Junior
- 1st Prize
A camera Nikon Z 50 + 16-50mm
A € 300 voucher in one of the Yellow Korner shops
One year subscibtion to Astronomy Ireland
One year subscribtion to Pixtrakk
An ESO bag with goodies in - 2nd Prize
A light pollution by Optolong
One compass by Médas
An ESO bag with goodies in
- 1st Prize
A weekend in Alqueva’s starry sky reserve in Portugal including two nights of hotel with breakfast and an evening of observation at the observatory of Cumeada
An Astronomical Clock by l’Observatoire des Makes (ile de la Réunion)
A € 300 voucher in one of the Yellow Korner shops
One year subscribtion to Pixtrakk
An ESO bag with goodies in - 2nd Prize
A light pollution by Optolong
One compas by Médas
An ESO bag with goodies in
In Town
- 1st Prize
An admission to the Mayo dark sky Festival 1-3 november 2019 (Ireland) including all activities (excluding travel expenses)
One week accomodation at l’observatoire des Makes à la Réunion
A € 300 voucher in one of the Yellow Korner shops
One year subscribtion to Pixtrakk
An ESO bag with goodies in - 2nd Prize
A light pollution by Optolong
One compas by Médas
An ESO bag with goodies in
- 1st Prize
Two rises to the Pic du Midi, offered by Pic du Midi and RICE
Un star tracker offert par Médas
A € 300 voucher in one of the Yellow Korner shops
Un tirage 80x60cm contre collé sur Aluminium offert par Picto
An ESO bag with goodies in - 2nd Prize
A light pollution by Optolong
One compas by Médas
Un tirage 50×40 cm contre collé sur Aluminium offert par Picto
An ESO bag with goodies in
Entry Fee
The participation is fixed at 5 euros (to be paid before the sending of the first photos) to be able to send a photo by category and by author, and 1,5 euros by additional photo within the limit of 5 images (whatever the category). This gives you the opportunity to send 6 of your most beautiful photographs of the year.
Discover Europe Photo Contest for Students