Deadline: February 23, 2020
Entry fee: $20
Prizes: Q&A with curator
Curator: Laurie Freitag
An independent curator, fine-art documentary photographer, Founder/Director of L.A. Photo Curator, N.Y. Photo Curator & Printworks print sales newsletter.
Theme: Life’s Work
Freitag says, “What is your Life’s Work? What is the pull? What themes surface time and time again? Sometimes without consciously choosing, the work unfolds and what is revealed is powerful and universal. Why is this important? Because your expression has the power to shine a light on what others cannot express.
Please share your innermost journey that your life pulls you towards. Your learning is our learning. Your healing is our healing.”
ALL entrants work is exhibited in a group online exhibition. Each entrant is asked to submit 3 images so they can have their own page with their images, bio, artist statement and contact info. In keeping with our mission of creating exposure opportunities and PR, we are proud to offer this feature. We hope this creates a vehicle that can take your work further and be seen by more people. No fewer than three images will be accepted to keep with the format of our website. Submitting less than three images will disqualify your entry.
The curator chooses one first place winner, one second place winner and three-five honorable mentions. The first place winner will receive a review by one or more curators including a Q&A about the photographer’s work. In addition, their image will be on our home page for a month. Second place and honorable mentions will have their image shown along with their bio, artist statement, C.V. and a link back to their website.
Entry Fee
$20 for 3 images
All Women Art Competition – Contemporary Art Gallery