The Window Curated by Deb Schwedhelm – N.Y. Photo Curator Call for Entry

The Window Curated by Deb Schwedhelm - N.Y. Photo Curator Call for Entry

Deadline: February 28, 2019
Entry fee: $20 for 3 images
Prizes: Q&A with curator, all entrants work is shown on their own page

Schwedhelm says, “The window is where it all began and so for this submission, I’d like to circle right back around to — the window.

Made in 1826 by French Inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, the ‘View from the Window at Le Gras’ is considered to be the first photograph. And metaphorically, the camera can be considered a room, while the lens can be viewed as the window through which photographs are projected. The window has literally and figuratively been linked to the photographic process since the very beginning.

There are so many ways photographers can use windows in their photography and artistic expression. Open, closed, reflective, transparent, revealing, obscuring — windows can offer us mystery, wonder, possibilities, and even hope. Windows can be utilized to explore presence and reality or be a portal to our imagination. Feel free to push boundaries, be creative, and embrace your personal interpretation of the theme. Personally, I have had a long obsession with photographing windows and I cannot wait to see what you have to share.”

ALL entrants work is exhibited in a group online exhibition. Each entrant is asked to submit 3 images so they can have their own page with their images, bio, artist statement and contact info. In keeping with our mission of creating exposure opportunities and PR, we are proud to offer this feature. We hope this creates a vehicle that can take your work further and be seen by more people. No fewer than three images will be accepted to keep with the format of our website. Submitting less than three images will disqualify your entry.

The curator chooses one first place winner, one second place winner and three-five honorable mentions. The first place winner will receive a review by one or more curators including a Q&A about the photographer’s work. In addition, their image will be on our home page for a month. Second place and honorable mentions will have their image shown along with their bio, artist statement, C.V. and a link back to their website.


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